NewIntroducing Able Glasses !

World's first 🥇 Smart Aid Glasses for




The Able glasses uses patented bone conduction to enable Deaf to Listen, interpret signs & acts as voice assist tool for the mute, the sensory audio-based information enables the blind to visualize.

How Able Glasses Work 🤔

Why Able Innovation Exists

✔ Globally, there are over 680 million people who are deaf , hard of hearing ,mute or blind.

✔ India alone is home to more than 80 million individuals belonging to these diverse disability groups.

✔ Sadly , an estimated 90% of these individuals lack access to education and often face poverty

or these individuals, accessing essential information, education, and communication channels remains a significant challenge.

Our Innovation

Able glasses aims to provide smart aid glasses for Deaf, Mute and Blind.

The Able glasses uses patented bone conduction to enable Deaf to Listen, interpret signs & acts as voice assist tool for the mute, the sensory audio-based information enables the blind to visualize.

The open ear design makes able glasses a complete smart glasses device for everyone


Smart Case

Day long Battery Backup

Desktop Computer Mode

Glasses for Blind

Object & Face Recognition.

1080p front Camera.


Glasses for Deaf & Hard of Hearing.

Patented Dome Bone Conduction Transducer.

Array of MicroPhones.

Bluetooth & Rechargeable.


Glasses for Mute.

Real time.

Offline Processing.

Pair of Side Camera & Speaker

Sign Language to Audio Conversion.

Our Supporters

Sponsors & Partners

John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe
John Doe